Ranua Zoo - Finland
- Attraction Ranuan eläinpuisto / Ranua Zoo
- Address Rovaniementie 29, 97700 Ranua – Finland
- Contact Phone: +358 (0)16 3551921
- E-mail n/a
- Website www.ranuazoo.com
This is a very interesting family park, open all year round where is possible to see several species of arctic animals in a very beautiful and respectful ambient. Every species live in a contest much more similar possible to its natural environment with plenty of spaces to roam.
The park also acts as a refuge for endangered species and rehabilitation center for wounded or abandoned wild animals. At the time of our visit among other species there were under custody a cub of elk abandoned by his mother and a 3 month little lynx.
Browse the beside FlipGuide to read more information and watch a short video.
© 2014 – Angelo Giammarresi