A life together - Bartolomeo Di Monaco

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Bartolomeo Di Monaco is a talented writer from Lucca, with whom we became friends back in 1994 when he bought one of our first video itineraries on Norway fell in love to the point of buying all the subsequent video guides that we’ve produced.
One day four years ago he decided to renew his site and asked me if I could realize the literary previews of his books that were simple but innovative.
I showed him an example of FlipBook I had just begun to develop, and which adopted immediately. Following the simplicity of this model in the time we have created over 30 flipbooks of his books, the covers revamped and converted his novels and his works in other electronic formats.
Web client: https://www.bartolomeodimonaco.it/online/

From the word file you have created a PDF that was later converted to a Flash / Html

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