Lesson 3: Customize Keyboard – Set of items: Trim – Video Display – Capture – Deck Configuration – Media Creation – Capture Toolset (Image Capture) – Batch Capture/Log Shot
Language: English
NOTES: Some customers before buying this course, consulted me to know the contents and to ask what kind of keyboard or controller could buy to speed up the editing phases. These people were willing to buy expensive equipment worth several tens euros/dollars, which is actually, in my opinion, to work with a software-only, at the end turn out to be only about the unnecessary and expensive gadgets.
To all of them, as now to you, I suggest you learn how to create custom virtual keyboards, which speed the editing time by up to 70% or so making it almost useless to buy any colored keyboard, or an extra controller.
Just create a virtual keyboard customized for each stage of processing to be invoked with a simple click and you’re done, without spending a single penny more than what you spent on your system will produce your video, faster.
The other sections of this lesson explains how to acquire the material from any source, camera or VCR, and to ensure that this source is recognized and controlled by the program Avid Media Composer.
TIP ONE: When you need to acquire the material from the camera or VCR is best to keep these devices off during startup of Media Composer and turn them on only after your project is loaded on the timeline. This will avoid any conflict of drivers at startup of the program and the software will recognize immediately that there is a new hardware and can only load its driver. Also, when you acquire the footage from a VCR, I suggest you set the channel’s video in on a different input from firewire i-link, preventing it generates an error of attribution in connection port during editing or transfer recordings to your computer. For example, some VCRs allow you to set the video input on Bars or SG. If you started your capture source, despite having acknowledged the system, do not see it enabled in the list of the capture interface, you just click on the item check decks and within seconds it will be enabled for use.
TIP TWO: After completing the acquisition of the material it is advisable to first call up the configuration Source Record Effect, and then turn off the camera or VCR so doing, you avoid receiving an error message that the source control that sometimes does not allow continue editing, forcing you to restart the system.
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